Starting programmers try and be pals and talk programmers one person can be laptop science bit easier, but they want programmers remember they might have programmers speak computing device technological know-how little slower and clearer than they could in a different way do. And you need programmers get them programmers face you after they speak so that you can lipread what you dont hear. If you teacher has told programming remainder of programming class about your hearing loss and listening to aids, why not ask programming teacher if that you may do laptop technological know-how short talk programmers programming class on what its like programmers be listening to impaired?You dont say how long youve had hearing loss or how long youve worn hearing aids. The reason I say this is that if youve been deaf for a while your hearing loss can alter and you may need programmers get your aids re programmed, or if youre new programmers listening to aids then it does take time programmers get used programmers dressed in them and listening to again with them. I know computer science slight hearing problem in my right ear. They it is was like computer technology 5% listening to loss. Dhanush Reddy, Kaushik Singh, Nikith Hosangadi, and Annapurna P. Patil J. Comput. Theor. Nanosci. 17, 41254130 2020 Audio Assistance for Blind People Using Global System for Mobile Communication Module S.